Wednesday, February 23, 2011


I'd like to share with you, my two new finds from my Thrift Shop. My eyes keeps searching out you think I'm yearning for Spring? As I'm blogging, the weather report is calling for a couple inches of snow tonight........ugggg! I can't find any markings on the dinner size plates except for the name Ruth painted in the flowers. I just think they're charming. That's a word I don't use but it seemed to fit. For my bloggers in the South......spring is probably already knocking on your door......but up in the great Northwest......(It's as cold as a well-diggers blum).....One search at a time.......

1 comment:

  1. Hello there Sherri! So nice to meet you! Thank you for stopping by my blog. I love meeting people from the Pacific Northwest. My second most favorite place. I love it up there. I have my dearest younger sister who lives in Tacoma. I try to get up there to visit every Spring. Earlier this day she told me that the snow was come down pretty good. We in Southern California are getting unusually chilly weather... brrrr. Lots of layering needed! Anyway... I enjoyed reading through your posts. Your thrifty finds are beautiful. You also have a new follower. Thank you for your kind words regarding my brother. Prayers are powerful. I appreciate it.
