Friday, February 25, 2011

Can you spell I.R.S

Next Year I'm going to be ORGANIZIED

Well it's time and I can't put it off any longer.......Where are all the shoe boxes?????....Where are all the gas receipts???? Can I deduct the damage done to my fence when the Circus Elephant escaped in July??????? What do you mean I can't write off all those shoes!!! I do a lot of shopping and I need to change shoes often so I don't develope fallen arches. Is this covered in my medical plan??? I hate this time of year......I have to be away from my blog for a few days so I can sort through all this mess.....I'll still sneak away and check out what you ladies are doing on your blogs.....see you in a few.....One Receipt at a time......

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


I'd like to share with you, my two new finds from my Thrift Shop. My eyes keeps searching out you think I'm yearning for Spring? As I'm blogging, the weather report is calling for a couple inches of snow tonight........ugggg! I can't find any markings on the dinner size plates except for the name Ruth painted in the flowers. I just think they're charming. That's a word I don't use but it seemed to fit. For my bloggers in the South......spring is probably already knocking on your door......but up in the great Northwest......(It's as cold as a well-diggers blum).....One search at a time.......

Friday, February 18, 2011

Beatrix Potter

I just love the 6 prints by Beatrix Potter I found at my favorite Thrift Shop. They would be such a cute addition to a childs room children are all grown. I framed them and put them on a small wall in the dining room.  I always associate Beatrix with Rabbits....but these have a couple different characters that are so sweet......One Rabbit at a time........

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Tea For Two....Teatime

Three little Kittens have lost their mittens

Tea is waiting

This pot is so cute

Great find for SEVEN dollars

Tea ! Take me Away....

Summer Dreaming...

Good Book and A Cup of Tea...

Oh so Pretty ....

Three for Tea...

I can feel the sunshine in my mind..

A warm cup of tea and surfing my fellow bloggers
Look at these wonderful Teapots I found at my favorite thrift shop. English Breakfast or Earl Gray anyone?
I love the soft colors...reminds me of green grass, butterflies and granddaughters. Ready for a tea party....
Hurry Spring....I'm waiting....One cup at a time.........

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

My Heart belongs to you.....


















Be My Valentine XO XO
 If you have a sweetie or a good it up right! 
       One kiss at a time..........

Plates & Bowls: TJ Maxx
Place Matt / Love you cupcake holder: Pier One
Birds: Country Rose
Flat Ware:  Thrift Shop
Candle holders & Love Doves: Goodwill
Napkins & Napkin Ring holders: Thrift Shop
Stemware: Personal stock

Join Me at Tablescape Thursday   Between Naps on the Porch
The Little Round Table Tablescape

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Axiom Dyno Trilobyte

All Parts move with wind

Very beautiful when moving

While visiting a local ice cream parlor Saturday following a celebration of a win by my grandson's basketball team....I saw this sculpture. I was fascinated the way the bowl pieces would scoop up the breeze and put everything in motion. It was very beautiful. It was installed at the downtown WTA Bellingham Bus Station by Anthony Howe of Orcas Island, Washington. It's called a Kinetic Wind Sculpture. How wonderful the mind that can create this piece of art.  Please enjoy.....One breeze at a time.......

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Paper Whites

Thank You Paper Whites

I'm starting to see something develope here!

There's one in every crowd

Three are playing by the rules..

What we have here is an over achiever..

Now he's off in a different direction..

How beautiful..he created interest & style

I received this from my favorite daughter-n-law at Christmas. After some planning..I was trying to get it too bloom for VALENTINES DAY! In every group there seems to be someone or something that hears his own drummer. It doesn't seem to be any different in the plant world. I thought how fun to record their entrance into the human world. Take four bulbs..add some soil..nourish with a little water..sprinkle with drops of to them daily..And just maybe...just maybe, they will bloom for Valentines Day..
........One petal at a time..........

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Gone but not forgotten !
 I've been saying for about a month now and even hinted at Christmas that I would love to have a new camera. My trusty buddy is about 7 years old and has served me well...but... The view finder is so small and being as blind as I am....some times while viewing, I can't even tell what I'm shooting. Shutter speed seems to be really slowing down..if that's even possible. the middle of a shoot...the decision was made for me. He just laided down and died.  Not wanting to believe he would leave me so abruptly..with out even a shutter, I rushed over to the camera doctor. Now that I look back, the shooter is always the last to know. Prognosis:... Dead, Died, Over exposed.......Of course the Camera Doctor was all to eager to sell me a new friend. camera on board...Now I just have to figure out how it works...I just hate that part of the process. Good bye my friend....Smile....HELLO Gorgeous...One Pix at a time